Saturday, January 14, 2017

Be Still and Be Sanctified January 20 ,2017

A Spiritual Awakening! 
The Generals Are Coming! 

Be still,and know that I am God:I will be exalted among the heathen,I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10

Are These Elements of the Heavens, Are We Being Tested!

Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or not Exodus 16:14

January 9, 2017 Satellite  Projection Looks Like Manna?
Is the heavens mixing with the earth, Prophesy has been fulfilled,the generals are coming and soon will be in position. Invasion is coming among the land of the trickery and of a deceptive world .The changing of the Guards is taking place,The President is leaving and a new
one is coming forth ,with higher mandates from above. With the  power of economical strength of fire, a whirl -wind of might.A Spiritual Awaking!Have you heard the trumpets ,A sounding of an  alarm! Joel 2:1
Did you filled and eat of the manna, are you resting in his presence .. where his heart is for you ! Our maybe you have ignored the urgency of the call,of  being in  this God 's presence.
 A mandate of repentance has been ordered  around the globe realm. The calling forth a cleaning of the land, cleanings of the hearts of the lost. Many have been sent to the wilderness for his glory. They will be the last and  the last will be the first? He has sent a messenger to give thy word, of  instructions. And has been ignore and laughed ,standing mock and betrayed.The Shepherds have scatted
the sheep and no longer reign in favor of. Who hears his words, hears his calls.
 He blesses those who obey. Duet 30:19 They will rise for his glory?. Who establishes his throne on this earth, his new kingdom on this land. They will hold the key to David Rev 3:7 Isaiah 22:22  and dance before him,2 Samuel 6:14 it will be the one who was rejected and sent away for his name sake! Hebrews 13:2. He is Jehovah Elohim  and he is coming with a sword and fire, to the land of desolated ,be ready for him , He will come like a theft in the night .2 Pet 3:10, Mathew 10:34

1 comment:

  1. Our lord is feed-up with the disobedience and time is almost up .
