Friday, March 6, 2015


Dear Lord God ,

You are not surprised in the hour of how many are responding to you! Your appointing has taken place ,over America and your Christian people’s, direction on how they must proceed. The testing and waiting on you and following your directions is still being observed. While maturely is a must!  For you in  today’s world as we watch the violence on behalf’s of those who service you across the World. Lord we stand in the gap? Ezek 22:30 and take the authority in Christ too prevails for you, Lord. As I intercede for  America’s people to come forth for you and stand-in praying for and prophesizing  into the ears, the quipping of saints and establishing of your principles and values back on this Land we live on .Father I pray that our churches will start doing the right thing in standing for you. Your word says something is coming soon over the Untied States and will cause a shaking in the spirit realm. and I pray for the preparing of this to take place now , across America and the world. Many of your people are not walking the worthy calling they have been assigned too.  And Our Government is a mess and desperately need direction from you!  Father "IN GOD WE TRUST"  in you! In the pasts weeks I watch the horrible attacks  from many who do not known you! and raised up their voices against you ! Father I pray for them that their hearts will be turn before it’s too late. Romans 10:9  I say this because so many trust in   others things like , money, their jobs , toys, sports, children activities, governmental help ,cars and possessions which have replaced you .(Idol’s )Where is the Trust for you , with our God any thing is possible  
Ecclesiastes  17 ... in formal things been wise in what you are looking for !
In the last days it will grow weirdly, and deception is recurring in every directions and rising quickly ! I break this attack coming over your beloved in Jesus name! lord we know you love us so much and you have given us  grace! To  come to God!
what ever evil that is occurring  we can call on you!.Acts 2:21   Lord we know on one day soon  the grace will disappear? I will be a mystery to many what you will do? . Giving through  many advantages. And  you have  givens us the powered of the churches .Apostle Timothy is the pillar of church ,into the days of Jesus !so many are pillars of God and forces or fortress of God and are preaching .they are on doing meeting and sinking in sand . 2 timothy 3:16 :17 .Lord I ask for mercy and grace for your Churches and nations , the aligning of your word ,principles , the establishments of your Commandments, back on this land. The praying for Israel  and this demonic evil spirit of ISIS and other forces , we break in Jesus Name I pray the our Trust will go in you as we may go pass the veil and meet you in the Holy‘s of Holy ’s ,and that your will save us now! I am Thanking you for sending  Jesus to save the world and his concern was about those who are hurting in alcohol and drug addicts that is ruling America ‘s lives today! Which’s is causing disruptions in all family lives here and around the world , the poison that enters in and open the door for deceptions in the minds of your beloved.  But you says Satan get out of our way! Mark 13:32 .Step on him and move forth! I  we know that
No one knows when Jesus will arrive, it will be just like the days of Noël , read for yours self in the holy bible given for instruction of how to navigate thru this world until he comes , Lord forgives us as we repent , I am praying for our America People will wake up and call out to you and humble themselves, 2 Corinthian 5:17 in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

God is coming forth in us ! we must Proceed forth with
his power, authority, love, identity and Strength!
Luke 10:19  John 14:12 Psalms 8:6 Acts 1:8

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