Tuesday, November 4, 2014

November 4, 2014 Elections in Clark County,Lets Declare Victory!

Psalms 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it' unless the Lord guards the city , the watchman stays awake in vain.

Please pray to our Lord 

God and go 

and Vote today !

Watchmen and Intercessors 

please position yourselves?

How should we pray for 

these Elections ! November 4,2014

Well it will start with the heart our Father in heaven !

Matthew 6:9-17

Our Father in heaven , hallowed be your Name
Jehovah Nissi (the Lord of my banner), We come to you in Worship , love and
Thanking you for who you are and the love and power you have for your people in
Governmental Offices and this Election 2014 .
As we go to the poles to make a difference in our City and State and beloved Country
We call forth your desire to bring forth your glory .
Lord Jesus Christ we acknowledge you as the
Lord of our life’s and cry to for a change across America and in our city . Father we pray the Your Kingdom come, your will be done in these leaders,candidates for his State and County .
We pray for a heart that will purify and wait for instructions from you Lord . In making godly decisions in running this county in strong leadership and healthy relationship in you . We pray that obedience and relationships in families will be restore , healthy working relationships , leaders acting on the foundations , principles and values of god for the City , State and Nations . Effecting all these areas in church ,business, government ,media ,education, healthcare and family .
Father as I pray ,
Give us this day our daily bread , that your will answer as and we cry out to you for Help! That you will meet our needs and we will prosper in every area of our lives so we can fulfill your destiny you require from us .
Forgive our debt’s we forgive others
Father we ask forgiveness and ask to forgiving others who have managed our county incorrectly please help us as I call for mercy and grace .Calling forth the power of god to correct and bring back to balance the World ,of the economic system .Which as been terribly managed. That all the decisions that come forth for now on are from you, Lord .
The Lord of our World
Lead me not into temptation but delivering us from evil.
Calling forth and encouraging people, to seek and encounter with you Lord .Engaging and equipping his people bringing forth transformations in their life’s and deliverance . Calling forth creative minds and righteousness in every area
Of the governmental offices and across the nation. Having minds, hearts and actions for you
Asking for a candidate who is fully committed in a communication with you my God.
Father I will knee down in give you honor as we declare and await for your arrval .
We thank you, Jesus Christ , and bless you. Amen

Esther 4:13 &14
Matthew 6:9-13
Eph. 6:10-18
Ezekiel 22:30
Acts 1:8
Psalms 82, 123

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